Ideal building material - fibrous calcium silicate board
  Home decoration,wall and ceiling is a big project,but the requirements on this project is extremely strict,not only need high strength,but also high toughness,with the continuous development of science and technology,we have produced a new material,is calcium silicate board equipment,also known as fiber reinforced calcium silicate board,it combines the high strength of calcium silicate,but also the high toughness of fiber materials,Installed on the wall is not only strong and reliable,not easy to damage,but also has a strong anti-seismic effect,for earthquake-prone countries,this is a very ideal building material.
Fiber calcium silicate plate
Fiber calcium silicate plate
  Fiber reinforced calcium silicate board solves the problem of mildew in humid environment,durability and service life is longer than the general board,very strong alkali and weak acid resistance.In the southwest,where termites are a common problem,improvements can be made.So it's a very convenient plate in some ways.In the seaside and so on some salt and alkali zone can also be used in this plate,both acid and alkali resistance and moisture-proof can be said to be very climate.Fiber reinforced calcium silicate board is also resistant to construction and processing,using the dry wall method,also has a certain protection for the environment,in addition to the keel and steel plate collocation installation and construction is also simple and fast,the construction period is very short,you can paint,paint,spray painting pattern,paste wallpaper,wall cloth,tile,etc.It is very decorative.

  With rich experience and superb technology,Fang Ruihe has manufactured powerful calcium silicate plate equipment,which not only has high production efficiency,but also has been widely recognized by the market.Powerful,reliable quality,high production efficiency of calcium silicate plate equipment is naturally in short supply,Fang Ruihe not only does a good equipment,but also the installation service is very in place,looking forward to your sincere cooperation.
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